Category: Recipes

Coco Nana Chia Pots

Coco nana chia pots are one of Zing Fresh’s most popular dessert canapés. Ingredients for Chia Pots 1 cup coconut milk (can use cow, almond, oat etc etc milk)1/4 cup / 50 g white chia seeds1 banana (medium ripeness so yellow not brown or green) Options: when avoiding sugar, spicing things up a little can help keep those taste buds [...]
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Shiitake Risotto

Shiitake Risotto Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil1 tablespoon sesame oil3/4 cup brown onion, diced2 cloves garlic, minced3 tablespoons sesame seeds (black or white is fine)2 cups medium grain brown rice2/3 cup rice wine6 cups stock, warmed50g dried shitake mushrooms250g white mushrooms Suggested Additions to Shiitake Risotto asparaguszucchinibroccolispinach, cooked or raw And if you’re not wanting a vegetarian shiitake risotto: shellfishchicken Instructions Soak shiitake mushrooms in boiling hot water for 30 minutes.Heat the oil in a large sauté pan [...]
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Dairy-Free Smoothie Recipes

Dairy free doesn’t mean you have to give up on flavour! With all the fruits and flavours in the world to choose from, I’m going to be ruled by rainbows. Here are some smoothie recipes that differ to traditional smoothies which often feature dairy. Using Ulu Hye nut mylk bases, you can create a wonderful full bodied and flavoured smoothie [...]
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Tomatoes Three Ways

Tomatoes, what a fabulous backdrop for almost anything! So many colours (if talking heirloom tomatoes) and even more ways to complement their flavour. Try any of the following combinations for bringing out the best in these little red jewels. Any size or colour. You pick from what our local farmers pick. The recipes below give you reasons to seek out [...]
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Get creative in the kitchen.

Zing Fresh: Where imagination & ingredients grow wild. Are you up for an adventure? Ready for a tour through your pantry? Explore unchartered territory & give a uniquely personalised creation from within your kitchen cupboards. Though it can be fun buying gifts “off the shelf”for people, the joy it brings hardly compares to that look on the face you get [...]
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